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Your own Website & Mobile App

Online Assignment

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Track Students Test Performance

Student & Parent Engagement

Biometric Attendance

Payment Gateway Integration

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Is my data safe?

All Classpro servers are hosted Virtual Private Servers inside DigitalOcean Cloud, with multiple data backups. This means that your data is totally safe. To read more about our data security measures, please click here.

Will Classpro help me migrate from my existing software?

Yes, certainly. Our support team will help in migrating your data from your existing software to Classpro.

Will Classpro customise the software for me?

Classpro is a feature-rich software and has been built with a lot of research and feedback from Coaching Classes across the country. Immense effort has been put to ensure that Classpro has features that suit the needs of all Coaching classes. Even though we do not sell customised software for individual Classes, our team does add new features continually, based on popular demand.

How much time do I need to invest to get started?

Classpro is extremely easy to learn and use. To help our customers, we have a vast library of help articles, which will act as a quick reference for you and your staff while learning any feature. In case you need further assistance, our support team will be happy to help.

What about my staff? Will I have to teach them how to use Classpro?

No, you don’t have to teach your staff. We are there to help. To learn any feature, your staff can refer to the vast library of help articles, at their convenience. They can also reach out to our support team for more assistance and training.

Will Classpro customise the software for me?

Classpro is a feature-rich software and has been built with a lot of research and feedback from Coaching Classes across the country. Immense effort has been put to ensure that Classpro has features that suit the needs of all Coaching classes. Even though we do not sell customised software for individual Classes, our team does add new features continually, based on popular demand.

What will be my renewal price? Will it be same as my purchase price?

Renewal price for a plan may change by 15-20%.

We are an award-winning software,
with the retention rate of more than 80%

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